Car Pedestrian Sensors and Protection Systems Working Principle

As the roads and streets become more crowded with people, drivers need to be ready for anything. When a person tries to cross the street on foot, whether legally or illegally, the driver is still at fault if they hit the person by accident. All it takes is for someone to walk in front of your vehicle unexpectedly for this to happen.

Intersections are the worst because people could be walking from any direction on the street, even if you have the green light. It is easy to assume that people will follow the traffic laws and not walk out in front of your vehicle. However, you should not assume anything as a driver. You need to be ready for anyone who may come out in front of your vehicle.

Fortunately, there are pedestrian sensors and protection systems in cars which help drivers deal with these issues. Basically, these are special sensors which can detect whenever someone is too close to the vehicle. Once they’re detected, the emergency brake is automatically applied to halt the vehicle and prevent it from hitting the person.

That way, if the driver is distracted and does not react in time, the pedestrian sensors will automatically react for them. This is extremely helpful in the modern age where so many drivers are distracted by their smartphones, GPS systems, DVD players, radios, etc. As a result, a lot of accidents can be avoided which would have otherwise occurred.

The 3 Main Features of Pedestrian Sensors and Protection Systems

This protection system is not all just one component. For it to do its job properly, the system depends on a variety of components and features to detect a person in front of the vehicle and then stop it before it hits them. Below are the 3 main features:

1) Pedestrian Sensors

Pedestrian sensors are the most important components because they are what detect the people who walk in front of your vehicle. The range of detection is usually around 10 feet or so. This isn’t an incredibly far distance, but it is enough to activate the emergency brake in time before your vehicle hits them. Of course, if you’re driving too fast then your vehicle may not slow down enough in time. But for in-town driving where you’re constantly in stop and go traffic, these pedestrian sensors can be a lifesaver.

2) Automatic Braking

When a driver is distracted and then notices a person moving in front of their vehicle, the driver only has seconds to react. Sometimes they may panic for 1 or 2 seconds before applying the brake pedal. These few seconds can mean life or death for the driver and/or the person passing in front. But with a protection system in place, the brakes are applied automatically as soon as the person is detected. The car may stop before you even notice the person there yourself. That is why this is one of the best safety features imaginable for a vehicle.

3) Video Camera Integration

The latest protection systems have included video cameras in the vehicles too. Rather than depending on sensors to detect a person in front of your vehicle, a video camera is used to detect them instead. Supposedly, video cameras work better for detection purposes because they can visually detect the direction, movement, and distance of the person. If the detection system sees the person coming toward the vehicle or crossing into the lane of the vehicle, then the emergency brake is activated automatically.

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Pedestrian sensors and protection systems do not exist in every modern vehicle. They are still only found in luxury vehicles or specialized vehicles that cost a lot of money. It may get to the point someday when every vehicle has these protection systems in them. Until then, you’ll need to shop around and do your research to find the right vehicle which has them.

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