Car manufacturers are determined to make their engines perform better and become more fuel efficient. The secret to making this happen revolves around the exhaust valve and air intake valve of a vehicle. When the air and fuel mixture is ignited in the combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, there are exhaust gases which get released. The exhaust valve needs to be opened at the right time in order for these exhaust gases to escape the chamber. Once that happens, the air intake valve is opened in order to let fresh air from the outside enter the engine and combine with the next batch of fuel.
Both valves need to be opened and closed at just the right speed and time. That is only possible if you have a variable valve timing engine in your car. This is a new piece of engine technology found in many modern cars. It contains a series of hydraulic components and mechanical components which are designed to lift these valves at the appropriate times and speeds. All the actions of the driver, such as stepping on the gas pedal or brake pedal, will cause the variable valve timing system to be as accurate as possible when controlling the valves. This promotes high fuel efficiency and better mileage from the vehicle.
Top 4 Advantages
The three biggest car manufacturers in the world which use variable valve timing engine technology all come from Japan. These manufacturers are Honda, Toyota, and Mitsubishi. There are other model vehicles which are starting to integrate this technology into their engine systems as well. It makes sense because there are several advantages to having a variable valve timing engine. Below are the top 4 advantages.
1) Better Engine Performance
When you put more demand on your engine, it needs to have more revolutions per minute (RPM). Engine demand comes from things like stepping on the gas pedal or carrying a heavy load in the back of your vehicle. If the engine doesn’t perform well, then it’ll have trouble increasing its RPM to satisfy these demands. However, a variable valve timing engine can make it easier for the RPM to increase so that the overall engine performance is better.
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2) Better Gas Mileage
Without variable valve timing technology, an engine must work harder and consume more fuel just to satisfy the demands being placed on it by the driver. The great thing about variable valve timing technology for an engine is that it doesn’t require as much fuel to generate power. In other words, you’ll be able to drive farther while consuming far less gas. Then you can save money at the gas station by having a vehicle with a better fuel economy.
3) Reduced Carbon Emissions
Since a variable valve timing engine gives your vehicle a better fuel economy, it’ll also lower the number of carbon emissions it produces as well. With all the talk of environmentally friendly auto technology, you hardly hear enough about how variable valve timing engine technology is environmentally friendly. So, if you ever need another reason to choose a vehicle with this technology in it, now you have one.
4) Higher Engine Longevity
Preserving the longevity of their car engine should be any car owner’s top priority. Variable valve timing technology can add several more years to your engine’s lifespan. All you need to worry about is tending to the basic maintenance needs of your vehicle. This includes getting oil changes and replacing faulty components whenever you notice them. Aside from that, the variable valve timing technology will keep your engine performing strongly for a long time to come.